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AJML Accountants Update – January 2021

Attitude Determines Your Productivity

  1. Collaborate

This means to cooperate with one another. It can even mean co-creating solutions. There is no need to hoard credit. Or try to hide information in order to stand out from the crowd. When you collaborate with the others and the team shines, you shine too.

  1. Constructive Criticism

Perhaps one of the most difficult to do when working in a team is being able to voice your opinion without being too judgmental. How do you give comments without offending someone else? How can you raise things that are good for the team as a whole? Being able to give constructive criticism is an important element. Learn to point out work that needs improvement and refer to the work rather than the person. Equally important is being able to take constructive criticism yourself.

  1. Park Ego Outside

Amongst the behaviors for teamwork, being able to park your ego outside the door is important. There is no room for ego in an environment where teamwork is important. When ego comes into play, there will be too much disruption as people will focus on selfish gains and forget about the team’s goals.

  1. Energetic And Enthusiastic

You may not be the leader but never mind, you need to bring fire into the team. You must show energy and enthusiasm. You must be willing and daring to implement plans that have been devised. It can motivate others to also bring their positive behaviours for teamwork to the forefront.

  1. Empathy

In learning the behaviours for teamwork, make sure you learn to connect with fellow team members. This means being able to empathise with what others are going through. There may be other parts of a project that is not doing too well, you need to be able to understand what other team members go through. Being connected builds respect and effective relationships. When you do that you can connect others together to get other parts of a project done well.

  1. Integrity

You must have high professional and personal standard as part of your behavior for teamwork. When you have high integrity, no one will doubt your action. You must be sincere in your opinions and dealing with other team members. The trust that is forged also means it will lessen all the back stabbing and gossips in the team.

  1. Balances The Role Of Leading And Following

This is one aspect of behaviours for teamwork that many people miss. To be in a team does not always need you to be the leader or follower. One must know when to step up to the plate and when to be the quiet follower. For example, if you know there is a certain level of expertise that can be of use in a situation, stand up and take the team through the challenge. It does not mean you tell yourself you are not the leader hence you stay quiet.